Awards Awards Everywhere….
It seems to be that time of year where there are industry awards happening everywhere. The Northland Westpac Excellence in Business awards are run by the Northland Chamber of Commerce every year, and are a fantastic opportunity for all businesses. The experience is incredible, the outside view you receive of your own business, and the recognition of your achievements is amazing.
In 2007 we entered these awards as a means to grow my business and to get a feel for where we were at in respect of running our business and the systems we had in place. You can imagine my surprise when we won the Excellence in professional services award. With no speech prepared, it was along walk up to the podium luckily as it gave me time to think of something to say along with receiving the award. This award still takes pride of place in our office nine years later.
A year later we gave it another shot and came in runner up in the Best Small Business category,
Roll forward to 2016 and its time we gave some more award entries a go. We have come a long way since we last entered any awards. We have been busy growing the business, looking after our clients and becoming the ‘go to’ for all things bookkeeping in the North.
So, four award entries later, they are all done and dusted and sent off to the relevant organisations. I cant say the Westpac Excellence awards were on our radar this year (maybe next year…) but the Xero awards certainly were. Along with this award application, three for the NZ Bookkeepers Association awards have been sent off as well.
Xero are holding their national conference in Brisbane Australia this year in September. I cant wait to go, the conferences are such a buzz, the knowledge, the education and the fellow bookkeepers it is all so worth going. Due to having no NZ conference this year, Xero are putting on roadshows around the regions, with regional awards ceremonies. The winners then go to Brisbane representing their region. Wish us luck for the 17th August…
The NZ Bookkeepers Association are holding their annual conference on August 5th and 6th. There are awards presented right throughout conference for those who entered, or was nominated. We have entered the Bookkeeping Business of the Year, Bookkeeper of the Year (Di) and Trainer of the year. Ill let you know how we get on…
DiCE <3